Pocket PC Smartphone

Conversion Page
WingX provides over 135 different conversion including Temperature, Distance, Speed, Weight, Volume, and Pressure conversions. Very useful for quick calculations and conversions between statute miles, nautical miles, gallons of 100LL to pounds, and more.
Altitude Page
Calculating Density Altitude is critical to flight safety. Aircraft performance is directly related to the altitude at which the engine, propellor, and wings 'thinks' they are at; i.e. Density Altitude. WingX calculates Density Altitude extremely accurately and even includes the reported Dew Point which the well-known metal E6B does not. Using the Dew Point value in the calculation can increase the Density by about 500' - which can add hundreds of feet to a takeoff roll calculation. Use WingX, do it right!

WingX will also calculate Heat Index, Relative Humidity, Pressure Altitude, and True Airspeed.
Wind Page The Wind Page is a very powerful piece of WingX's Multi-Page E6B. In short, WingX will calculate Wind Correction Angles, determine the actual winds aloft in both true and magnetic headings, and display the runway headwind and crosswind components.

Wind aloft are not only important for calculating ETEs, ETAs, and fuel burn, but also in determining if the weather forecast is accurate. If the actual winds aloft are substantially different from forecast winds aloft, then there is a very high probability that the entire weather forecast obtained before departure may be inaccurate. Therefore being able to calculate the actual winds aloft is a significant safety issue.

WingX's E6B is GPS-enabled [Pocket PC only] and therefore the GPS can feed in the aircraft's track and groundspeed and WingX will show the actual winds aloft continually updated every second.
Performance Page
Calculating Distance, Speed, Time calculations are fundamental to aviation. WingX allows you to calculate any one of the three variables by simply entering the other two variables. For example, upon entering the distance as "128" and the Ground Speed as "120", WingX calculates the time as "1:04:00". This time propagates down to the fuel burn line, so that if the Fuel Burn Per Hour (FPH) was entered as "12", WingX would automatically calculate the fuel burn as "12.8".

WingX's E6B is GPS-enabled [Pocket PC only] and therefore the GPS can feed in the aircraft's groundspeed and WingX will show the time, fuel burn, and required IFR Climb Rate continually updated every second.
Time Page
The Time Page is used for adding or subtrating times, and for calculating Duty Block Times. Times may be entered in the format "01:30:00" or "1.5". 

Complicated Out, Off, On, and In times are easily handled when computing Duty Block Times.
Miscellaneous Page
While not strictly an aviation-related calculation, calculating Wind Chill factors and maximum exposure times is important when flying into or out of cold airports. Make your preflight more comfortable, get prepared.

Note: Images on this website may be slightly different to what you see on your Microsoft Pocket PC 2002, Microsoft Mobile 2003, Mobile 5.0, or Mobile 6.0 device.

Disclaimer: 14 CFR 91.3 says that you, the PIC, are responsible for the safety of the flight.  WingX products are intended to assist you in your preflight and inflight activities.  While Hilton Software makes every effort to ensure the accuracy of its calculations and data, Hilton Software cannot absolutely guarantee the accuracy.  By using WingX products, you agree to hold harmless Hilton Software and those persons acting on its behalf for any and all, but not limited to, liability, bodily injury, and/or property damage arising from the use of WingX products.

Copyright © 2003-2007 Hilton Software LLC  All rights reserved.
WingX™, Dynamic Flight Navigator™, and SmartTaxi™ are trademarks of Hilton Software LLC
Microsoft™, Windows™, .NET™, .NET Framework™, Pocket PC™, and Mobile 2003™ are trademarks of Microsoft Corporation.
All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.